Makeup by Danielle Sutton Hair by Jessica Caulfield Costumes from Victoria Grove Costume Hire Photography by ME! This session was done in my little studio and done with 2 off camera speedlights, mixing it up with a speedlight softbox, and a couple of cardboard creations to get a more spotlight effect I wanted. Thank you to my awesome beauty team, who always make it fun.
Thank you Vanessa, you were Awesome! xox Calico Jo
They both play musical instruments. Anna does ballet, Michael rides a unicycle. These are two talented teens.... (notice what I did there with the triple T treatment... thanks, I knew you'd notice). Here is the faves from their photo session in and around where they live. Calico Jo
I got to photograph their wedding and now they are having their first baby! I think Catherine is beautiful to photograph, and she was wonderful, travelling over from Hamilton, braving the cold, and as an added bonus, her husband Chris played me the bagpipes! xox
Calico Jo What I loved about photographing Kaia:
Her pretty yellow dress Her energy and curiosity Her expressiveness Her smiles Photographs taken at Kuirau Park, Rotorua |
AuthorCalico Jo! Archives
December 2023